New Smoke-Free Rental Housing Mandate Proposed in Vermont

1 minute read

MONTPELIER – Sen. Dick McCormack (D) has introduced a bill that would require an expansion of smoke-free housing offerings across the state of Vermont as soon as this summer, if passed.

S.B. 259 requires that half of all rental units be designated smoke-free and applies to all buildings with four or more units. The bill specifically singles out tobacco products; the status of medical marijuana users is unclear. Any violations committed by the property owner will earn a $500 fine, which can be applied per unit. No implementation solutions are offered; rather, the Commissioner of Health is instructed to develop the necessary regulations.

The smoke-free mandate awaits consideration in the Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs. If passed, it will take effect July 1.

Source: Vermont Legislature, Marijuana Policy Project, National Apartment Association