
The National Apartment Association (NAA) is governed by its Board of Directors. NAA has divided the United States into 10 geographic regions to ensure that each area of the country is represented. These regions appoint delegates who serve in the Assembly of Delegates (AOD). Each region elects at least one Vice President to the Board of Directors. 

NAA’s governance structure is designed to encourage participation from the many segments of its network. Our leaders are geographically diverse and bring professional management experience from large national companies, regional companies, and smaller, owner-managed companies. Supplier members are represented by the National Suppliers Council (NSC) as are the association executives of our affiliated associations who are represented in the Association Executives Council (AEC). Each group works closely with the NAA professional staff

Further information on the NAA Board, Assembly of Delegates, Councils and Committees can be found in the NAA Policies and Procedures.


Policies and Procedures

Board of Directors

The Board is the primary governing body of NAA and includes voting and non-voting members.

Regional Vice Presidents; Immediate Past Chair serving on the Executive Committee; the Chair of the Board, Chair-Elect, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary; the NSC Chair; the NAAEI President; and no more than four (4) at-large individuals selected by the Chair of the Board and approved by the Executive Committee.

Regional Vice President alternates, Association Executive Council President; NAA President; Legislative Chair; Apartmentalize Conference Committee Chair(s); Membership Committee Chair; Independent Rental Owners Committee Chair, NAAPAC BOT Chair, NAAPAC Ambassadors Chair, and others as approved by voting Board members.

Board Members are expected to attend all annual board meetings, having reviewed written meeting material beforehand and be prepared to discuss the items on the agenda. They should support and promote NAA programs and products and seek to improve the association.

These Board Members reflect NAA’s preference for proportional geographic representation for its members. Unlike other NAA board members, the RVPs are elected by delegates from their respective regions and they preside over the regional meetings. They are expected to be conversant with the status and activities of the affiliated associations in their region. RVPs also appoint NAA members from their region to serve on NAA standing committees.

The Executive Committee consists of the following officers: Chair of the Board, Chair-Elect, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Immediate Past Chair. Subject to the limitation of the Articles of Incorporation. and the Bylaws, the Executive Committee shall be responsible for the coordination and management of the affairs of the Association between meetings of the Board of Directors.

New officer candidates may self-nominate and are required to complete the NAA Officer Application for consideration.  If a current officer wishes to remain on the executive committee and is seeking to move up to the next officer position, they may complete the Officer Declaration Form. The Chair-Elect is automatically appointed as Chair and is not required to declare their intention for re-election. 

New applications and declarations forms must be submitted via the approved electronic format no later than July 31st.  Applications received via any alternative method or after the deadline will not be considered.   

Call for applications opens June 30th. Deadline to submit an application: July 31st

Officer Qualifications

  • An individual must have served for two (2) full calendar years as Regional Vice President, at-large member of the Board of Directors or Chair of a Committee 
  • Each officer must be either an owner, developer, builder, or operator currently serving in a senior level capacity in the rental housing industry who is employed by or a representative of a member in good standing. 
  • The Nominating Committee shall recommend a slate of Officers in accordance with the procedures in Appendix 8, officer application and officers declaration form. 
  • Once the Nominating Committee has convened its first meeting, no person who served on the committee for that year may be considered for nomination.

Duties and Responsibilities of Officers/Executive Committee

The Executive Committee duties and responsibilities are as follows:

  • The actions of the Executive Committee shall at all times be consistent with the Bylaws and Policies & Procedures of the Association and are subject to review and approval by the Board of Directors. 
  • Coordination and management of the affairs of the Association between meetings of the Board of Directors.
  • Upon discovery that an affiliated association has operated in violation of the Association's Bylaws and/or Policies & Procedures, the NAA President and the Executive Committee shall communicate with the affiliate to attempt to bring the affiliate into compliance. If that effort is unsuccessful, the matter will be referred to the NAA Board of Directors for action.

Interested candidates should submit their application by July 31st

For more information, please refer to NAA Policies and Procedures or contact Leanne Shroeder, Director of Governance.

Submit an Application

The Regional Vice President positions reflect NAA’s preference for proportional geographic representation for its members. Unlike other NAA board members, the RVPs are elected by delegates from their respective regions, and they preside over the regional meetings. They are expected to be conversant with the status and activities of the affiliated associations in their region. 

Candidates for the RVP position must be owner/manager/operator and an employee of a member in good standing. New candidates for Regional Vice Presidents may self-nominate and are required to complete the NAA Regional Vice President Application for consideration via the approved electronic format no later than April 30th.  

Current RVPs who wish to run for re-election will submit a declaration of re-election via the approved electronic format no later than April 30th.  RVPs may serve up to four consecutive terms with a total of eight years of service. 


  • All nominees must be either an owner, developer, builder, or operator currently serving in a senior level capacity in the rental housing industry.
  • All nominees must be employed by or a representative of a member company in good standing.
  • All nominees must be knowledgeable, experienced, and demonstrated commitment to NAA through service to NAA’s Board of Directors, Assembly of Delegates, committees and/or affiliates. 
  • All nominees must have prior participation in NAA committees and/or local affiliated associations. 
  • All nominees must have been in leadership roles at NAA or at the state and/or local level or relevant professional experience or volunteer experience. No Regional Vice President (Voting or Non-Voting) shall be eligible for election after serving eight (8) years.


Board members have the responsibility and authority for the governance structure of the association. By agreeing to serve, Board Members have the following duties and responsibilities:

  • A fiduciary duty to NAA, including duties of care, loyalty, and obedience.
  • Required to act reasonably, prudently, and in the best interests of NAA; to avoid negligence and fraud; and to avoid conflicts of interest.
  • Read material that is sent and be prepared to discuss items at meeting.
  • Attend all board meetings.
  • Review and approve minutes of meetings.
  • Actively support and promote all NAA programs, products, meetings and conferences.
  • Approve the NAA Policies & Procedures.
  • Assist in efforts to grow membership.
  • When requested, attend local affiliate meetings as a representative of NAA.
  • Bring questions and/or concerns from members, their region, or other parties to the Board of Directors.
  • Support the NAA Bylaws and Policies & Procedures.
  • Respond to member questions and needs.

Duties for Regional Vice Presidents

  • Assist Association Executive regional liaison in obtaining affiliate reports for regional report.
  • Preside over all regional meetings at the National meetings.
  • Appoint one owner/manager member to serve on the Nominating Committee with a minimum of 3 years’ national volunteer experience with the National Apartment Association (preferably with prior service on the NAA Board or the Assembly of Delegates)
  • Make all regional appointments to committees in a timely manner.
  • Assist NAA affiliates within the region in reporting members and units appropriately and encourage affiliates to submit dues on a timely basis.
  • Attend local affiliate meetings as a representative of NAA, attempt to visit each affiliate in the region at least once during a two-year period.
  • Assist in finding new members within the region to serve in the NAA leadership.
  • Recruit people to participate in NAA activities.


Call for applications opens Oct. 14th – Closes Oct. 28th

The National Apartment Association is now accepting applications for the position of Regional Vice President (RVP) Alternate in Region 6. The successful candidate will serve a one-year term beginning January 1st – December 31, 2025.

Candidates wishing to run for the Region 6 RVP-Alternate position should submit an application via the approved electronic format no later than October 28, 2024. Applications received via any alternative method or after the deadline will not be considered.

For more information, please refer to NAA Policies and Procedures or contact Leanne Shroeder, Director of Governance.

The deadline to submit an application is October 28, 2024.

2025 Officer Applications Opens June 1

2025 Officer Declaration Form Opens June 1

2025 - 2026 RVP Declaration Opens April 1

2025 - 2026 RVP Application Opens April 1


Assembly of Delegates

The Assembly of Delegates (AOD) is composed of up to two hundred and fifty (250) delegates from NAA's ten regions, who are required to meet annually in November but may convene at other times as needed.  Delegates and Delegate alternates shall be members or employees of owner members, or supplier members in good standing, whereas delegate alternates may also include staff of affiliated associations in good standing. Delegates are authorized to act as a representative of the state from which they were appointed. They vote on Association business that may come before the Assembly of Delegates. AOD duties include but are not limited to approving the dues structure, electing the NAA officers and amending the bylaws. 

Delegates often serve on NAA committees and meet with other delegates during the regional meetings held at each of the three national meetings. During the June Apartmentalize meeting,  delegates from the regions elect their Regional Vice Presidents (RVPs). The RVP elections are staggered so that each June, only the even- or odd-numbered regions elect their RVPs. 

Delegates and alternates are selected and reported annually in a manner established by the Board of Directors, and shall serve a term of one (1) year beginning on January 1st of the calendar year.

Upcoming 2024 Assembly of Delegates Meeting


NAA committees are established to assist in the governance of NAA. They represent, involve, and serve members while providing a framework for educating future leaders of the association. They promote member participation in problem-solving and provide a forum for the many interests within the association, utilizing the experience, knowledge, and skills of our members. Each committee focuses on a single area, discusses relevant issues and may present action items to the Board of Directors. 

Learn More About Volunteering at NAA

For further information or questions, please contact Leanne Shroeder, Director of Governance.