White House Cracks Down on ‘Junk Fees’ in Rental Housing

Top takeaways from President Biden’s announcement.

2 minute read

On July 19, 2023, President Joe Biden announced three actions to “take on junk fees in rental housing to lower costs for renters.”

  1. "New commitments from major rental housing platforms—Zillow, Apartments.com, and AffordableHousing.com—who have answered the President’s call for transparency and will provide consumers with" tools to compare rentals based on the total up-front and costs throughout the tenancy that apartment seekers wish to spend;
  2. "New research from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), "which suggests solutions that address fees; and
  3. Promotion of state actions across the country—from Connecticut to California purporting to address “hidden & unfair fees."

In response, National Apartment Association (NAA) President and CEO Bob Pinnegar released a press statement on the announcement. “Rental housing is a narrow-margin industry that exists to serve our renters and communities,” Pinnegar said. “Amenities and services come at a cost, which is communicated with residents in the lease and the leasing process. Though the industry supports increased transparency and has always called for dialogue between housing providers and their residents, policymakers must recognize operational realities and the role that fees play in housing viability.” 

NAA’s statement was picked up in several prominent publications, including National Public Radio (NPR) and the Associated Press (AP). The media statement was complemented by a short video explaining the role of fees in the long-term viability of rental housing.

NAA continues to oppose federal intrusion into the landlord/tenant relationship, which is highly localized and already heavily regulated. NAA continues our advocacy work to advance sustainable policy solutions that recognize the operational realities of rental housing and protect the nation’s rental housing for generations to come.