Resident Screening: Illinois
This page is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute, and should not be construed as, legal advice. This page is not intended to provide a mandatory standard of care for the industry.
On these pages, you will find information about resident screening restrictions in each state, as well as for the cities and counties in the state’s three largest metropolitan areas. We highlight criminal, eviction, and credit screening as well as noting any fees related to carrying out such screening. Please see the footnotes as well as NAA's operational resources.
We are currently in the process of optimizing NAA’s Resident Screening Resources. If you do not see a jurisdiction of interest, please reach out to the NAA Government Affairs Team at [email protected].
Information on this page is current as of August 2022.
Illinois Screening Restrictions
Eviction History:
- Eviction records may be sealed if the court finds in favor of the defendant and will be sealed if terminating a bona fide lease during foreclosure. (735 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/9-121- Sealing of Court File)
Housing Assistance:
- "Source of Income" is a fair housing protected class in Illinois and defined as ""he lawful manner by which an individual supports himself or herself and his or her dependents." (IL HB2775). As such, prospective tenants may not be screened for Section 8 assistance, alimony or child-care payments, or any other form of legal financial assistance or legal occupation.
(Cook County Municipal Code § 42-38. - Housing)
Criminal History:
- Cannot consider unless and until the the individual has been determined qualified for a residency.
- Can base a denial on criminal history where state or federal law mandate such a denial.
- If denying tenancy based on a conviction, the prospective resident must first:
- be given sufficient notice and an opportunity to dispute the accuracy and relevance of the conviction.
- provided with the tenant selection criteria and a copy of the criminal background check used in the screening
- be notified in writing why the denial is warranted to protect the safety and property of themselves and other tenants, and
- criminal history information must be kept confidential.
Individual Assessment:
- If an individual assessment determines a denial is deemed necessary to protect the safety and property of property owner and other residents, such a denial is allowed.
Source of Income:
- "Source of Income" is a fair housing protected class in Cook County and defined as "the lawful manner by which an individual supports himself or herself and his or her dependents." As such, prospective tenants may not be screened for Section 8 assistance, alimony or child-care payments, or any other form of legal financial assistance or legal occupation.
City of Chicago Screening Restrictions
Source of Income (§ 5-8-10 et seq):
- "Source of Income" is a fair housing protected class in Chicago and defined as "the lawful manner by which an individual supports himself or herself and his or her dependents." As such, prospective tenants may not be screened for Section 8 assistance, alimony or child-care payments, or any other form of legal financial assistance or legal occupation.
DuPage County observes federal and state resident screening laws.
Kane County observes federal and state resident screening laws.
Lane County observes federal and state resident screening laws
McHenry County observes federal and state resident screening laws
Will County observes federal and state resident screening laws.
City of Aurora Screening Restrictions
Aurora observes federal, state, and county resident screening laws.
City of Naperville Screening Restrictions
Criminal History:
Explicitly allows for criminal screening
Credit History:
Explicitly allows for credit screening
Source of Income: (§12-2-1)
- "Legal Source of Income" is a fair housing protected class in Naperville and defined as "Any lawful income, subsidy or benefit with which an individual supports themselves and their dependents, including but not limited to, child support, maintenance, and any federal, state or local public assistance, medical assistance or rental assistance program..." As such, prospective tenants may not be screened for any legal monetary assistance or payments as described above.
Winnebago County observes federal and state screening restrictions/criteria
City of Rockford Screening Restrictions
Rockford observes federal, state, and county resident screening laws
Application fees:
- Application fee for residential property: $50.00. (15.06.280 Application Fees)
City of Springfield Screening Restrictions
The City of Springfield emphasizes federal, state, and county resident screening laws.