NAA Grassroots Update: Amplifying Your Voice

2 minute read

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Advocate conference and met with their members of Congress. With your help, this year set a record for Advocate registration! To continue NAA’s advocacy momentum, here are a few priority items:

  • Ensure that you submit your Congressional Meeting Feedback Surveys. The data collected in these surveys is vital to NAA’s advocacy efforts.
  • NAA has launched a grassroots campaign on the recently extended CDC eviction moratorium. We encourage you to contact your members of Congress about how the moratorium has impacted you and your businesses.
  • Take the new Key Contact survey if you have existing relationships with elected officials. These relationships can help NAA impact policy at both the federal and state levels.

NAA is also recognizing Advocates who go above and beyond each month to advocate on behalf of NAA and the rental housing industry more generally. The Advocate of the month will be a part of the Grassroots Advocacy portion of the Apartment Advocate throughout 2021.

April’s Advocate of the Month: Dennis Watts

Dennis is a Regional Property Manager with the Yarco Company and oversees the management and operation of 1080 apartment homes in the Kansas City area. A true industry professional with 21 years of property management experience, Dennis is remarkably active in the Apartment Association of Kansas City and NAA. Dennis currently serves as the Chair of the Advocacy and Engagement Subcommittee and serves as a Member of the Legislative Committee and as a PAC Ambassador.

Dennis has shown time and again that relationships with elected officials and their staff members can be instrumental in impacting public policy. Dennis works tirelessly to not only exceed within his professional capacity with Yarco, but to also help NAA move the needle on issues that impact the entire rental housing community.

Questions? Contact Austin O’Boyle