NAAPAC Insider January 2024: Who We're Talking To

1 minute read

Key Takeaways

  • NAAPAC is a critical industry resource and helps further our legislative priorities among Democrats and Republicans.
  • NAA's Government Affairs team attended approximately 300 fundraising events in 2023.

This past year, the NAA Government Affairs team worked assiduously to advocate for our bipartisan industry priorities and strengthen relationships with Republican and Democratic members of Congress. In 2023, NAAPAC disbursed $813,000 to pro-rental housing candidates, with NAA team members having attended approximately 300 fundraising events. 

We only expect this pace to further accelerate in 2024. In just our first month of 2024, NAA team members have been to dozens of fundraising events. By the end of January 2024, NAAPAC is expected to have disbursed over $260,000 to our industry champions on Capitol Hill. 

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