This week, NAA/NMHC made the apartment industry’s case as the International Code Council (ICC) began formal consideration of the next editions of the I-Codes, convening the first-round of 2021 code development hearings. NAA/NMHC are actively participating in the hearings, advocating for specific proposals important to the rental housing industry. The ICC produces the most widely-used family of codes and standards, which provide minimum requirements for all aspects of multifamily design and construction and often serve as the basis for state and local building codes. This year, NAA/NMHC are particularly focused on holding back onerous proposals related to fire protection, building egress and accessibility and have identified nearly 300 proposals that impact rental housing construction.
NAA/NMHC are focusing on the code development process to ensure that the unique needs of the rental housing industry are considered and that proposed changes do not unnecessarily undermine the affordability and availability of housing. Once the ICC hearings conclude on April 25, NAA/NMHC will review the outcomes and begin preparation for the next set of hearings in the fall. More information about the 2021 ICC code cycle is available here.