Logging In or Creating an Individual Account
Logging In
To log in to the NAA website you will need your email and password. To log in, click the "My Account" button located on the top of all NAA pages:
You will be redirected to my.naahq.org. If you know your email but don't know your password, please use the "Forgot My Password" link under the blue log in button on the my.naahq.org page to change your password and log in.
If you don’t know your log in email address, please use the "Find My Account" link under the blue log in button. To find your account, you will need your last name and your original NAA ID to reset your password and log in. Once you receive the password reset email and successfully log in to your account, you can find your registered email under "My Account" or "My Login Information."
If you are still having trouble logging in or need additional assistance, please contact the Client Solutions Center at 1-833-86-MYNAA or [email protected].
Creating an Account
Visit www.naahq.org and select My Account
You will be redirected to this page:
Click “Create an account” and fill in all information required.
Once the account is created, you will be redirected to update your contact information. Congratulations, you’ve now created an account with the National Apartment Association!
Add an Affiliation
Go to your personal snapshot (https://my.naahq.org/)
Scroll down and find the button "My Affiliations"