Influencer Program

The Ask.

Share and engage with NAA’s advocacy related posts on social media to educate your network, including your members of Congress, on key rental housing industry issues.

Sign up for Influencer Program

How this program helps you: 

  • Help further housing policy that’s beneficial for your business and the rental housing industry.
  • Show your followers and lawmakers how bad policy hurts rental housing.
  • Position yourself as an industry expert and thought leader.

The Data.

  • More than ½ of social media users say they use their accounts for advocacy. GW
  • In 2017, 69% of Capitol Hill respondents said they use Twitter to discover others’ opinions or perspectives. National Journal

The Details.

Tenants’ rights activists utilize social media to mobilize their advocates and advance their policy positions. NAA’s social media Influencer Program would act as a megaphone for the rental housing industry to ensure that our voice is heard. Not only will program participants be able to directly educate their members of Congress on NAA’s key policy issues, but they will be able to help shape public opinion on these key issues as well.

NAA is looking for members to participate in this program who are willing to interact with and share NAA posts when rental housing issues are at the forefront of public debate.

Building a group of social media Influencers will expand the NAA’s reach across social media platforms and help grow our following across social channels, ultimately furthering the industry’s voice and ensuring key policymakers hear from the industry.

Influencers will receive information via email with drafted content, talking points and other resources that will be useful to advocate on behalf of the rental housing industry.

Questions about the Media Influencer Program, please contact Austin O’Boyle or Jim Wilson.


Advocacy Influencer General Tips and Tricks


Austin O’Boyle, Grassroots Engagement Manager, NAA

Jim Wilson, Director of Political Affairs, NAA