1. Shot of Energy.
I hear ideas from attendees and speakers that reenergize, rejuvenate and refocus me. The studenthousing sales cycle can be grueling. Come Februarythe cycles half-way pointmy internal engine typically is running on empty. But theres still that other half of the sales cycle that needs the best I can give. What I need to make it to the finish line is a shot of energy to get me refocused so I keep my eyes on the prize. Ideas are a figurative shot of vitamin B12far healthier than energy drinks.
2. It's One Big Reunion.
I see old friends and make new onesalways a spirit-lifter.
3. Challenges Seem Less So.
I get an opportunity to talk strategy and gain insight into current issues affecting our industry and, hence, my companys success. Obstacles that seemed monumental are reduced to speed bumps. I shall overcome becomes my new mantra.
4. Take It To The Bank.
I see new products and technology up close and in person. I get to try before I buy. Nothing refreshes me like saving money.
5. Face Time.
I talk to the experts without wasting valuable time and energy playing phone tag. No one enjoys that game.
6. Common Ground.
I meet with industry leaders who understand the business and its challenges, affording me fresh insights to overcome those pesky obstacles I mentioned in No. 3.
7. Travel Tales.
I get to see new places and experience new citiesalways exciting!
8. Creativity Abounds.
The speakers usually come from outside industries, setting this conference apart from others designed for student housing. Who knew I could apply principles from Harley Davidson to my work in student housing? I never leave an educational session without a take-away, either. This means I get a new idea or inspiration to enhance an established program. A consistent take-away from the conference is heightened respect for the intelligence and insight found among our peers.
9. Freebies.
I get clever promotional items from our vendors to bring back to my team. Some of these items make their way into the hands of our customers.
10. Beyond the Classroom.
I get to attend social events and activities with my peers, allowing me to build personal relationships that enrich my life, personally and professionally. Our customer base is unique, our business is a specialty in hospitality. To surround myself with other like-minded professionals is simply inspiring.
There is so much to love about the NAA Student Housing Conference. Register today to join us in Chicago February 16 & 17, 2016!