NAA Announces 2 New Best Practices
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The National Apartment Association has two new best practices available on mental wellness and lithium-ion batteries.

The National Apartment Association (NAA) has two new best practices available: Mental wellness policy and lithium-ion batteries in communities. 

Mental Wellness Policy

“Best Practice: Mental Wellness Policy” reviews NAA’s Mental and Emotional Health Survey and how respondents are impacted by mental well-being in the workplace. “These policies should declare mental health to be a priority for the organization, while providing guidance for affected employees to take full advantage of available resources,” according to the best practice. A mental wellness policy document template and other resources are available on our website.

View Best Practices on Mental Wellness Policy

Lithium-ion Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries have caused concerns in recent years, including large fires in New York City, according to “Best Practice: Lithium-Ion Batteries in Apartment Communities.” There have been more than 400 fires in the past four years, more recently caused by lithium-ion batteries in e-bikes. NAA has provided safety tips from the New York City Fire Department.

View Best Practices on Lithium-Ion Batteries