Scheduling an NAAEI Exam at An Affiliate Testing Site
Note: During this process, you will receive the following two automatically generated emails. You will not need the information in these emails to schedule your exam, but you will need it to take the exam, so please retain these two emails until after you have completed the exam.
- Notice to Schedule NAAEI Exam from [email protected] contains your username and password for logging into the scheduling site in case you need to cancel or reschedule your exam.
- National Apartment Association Education Institute – Scheduling Confirmation Notice (Admission Ticket) from [email protected] confirms your testing date and location and provides detailed testing instructions.
Obtain your credential exam eligibility code from NAA affiliate staff or your course sponsor.
To schedule your exam, go to the Meazure Learning (formerly Scantron) scheduling site. You will see the following screen:
Input your NAA ID and the exam eligibility code you received into the appropriate fields above. Click “Submit”.
The next screen (pictured below) will ask you to review/edit/confirm your demographic information. Review your demographic information and make any necessary corrections. It is very important that your email address is correct. Please schedule your exam under your full legal name as it appears on your government-issued ID. When you sign in to take your exam, you will need to present a government-issued photo ID to the proctor for confirmation.
In the middle of the page, select the radio button “NAAEI Affiliated Associations Availability” to test at an affiliate location. Then, click “Submit Form.”
Click “OK” on the pop-up message reading, "You have chose to test at an NAAEI site. This selection cannot be changed after clicking the OK button. Click OK if you are satisfied with your selection or click Cancel if you would like to change your selection.":
Carefully review the examination admission requirements. Scroll down to the end of the displayed document, check the checkbox next to “I attest”, then click “Continue”.
Choose the exam you want to schedule and click “Schedule”.
Follow the exam scheduling instructions to choose the date and location of your test. Click Submit to confirm your selection.
A confirmation page will appear indicating that your reservation is complete. You will receive a confirmation email that includes the testing details.
For technical problems related to the Meazure Learning testing platform, please contact Meazure Learning directly at [email protected] or by phone at (919) 572-6880 during their normal business hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM ET, or Saturday, 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM ET.