How to Add NAA Click & Lease to Your Affiliate Site

NAA Click & Lease has a new look! For your convenience, follow the below instructions for adding the NAA Click & Lease content to your website.

Note: If you use Novi as your CMS, please review these instructions for embedding the content to your site.

  1. Create a new page.
  2. Copy the following code: 
    <script src= data-ion-embed-hash="eyJ1cmwiOiIvL2xlYXNlLm5hYWhxLm9yZy8/X2lvbl90YXJnZXQ9ZW1iZWQtMS4wIiwiaWQiOiJfaW9uX2lvbml6ZXJfMTYyMzE3MDE2NjQ3MyIsImFwcGVuZFF1ZXJ5IjpmYWxzZX0="></script>
  3. Depending on your CMS, do one of the following:
    1. Disable rich text and paste the code between an opening and closing <div> tag.
    2. If available, select the "Embed" option and paste the code when prompted.
  4. Preview and publish your page.

If you need any assistance, please contact your web support specialist.

Tips & Tricks

  • The embed code above should be pasted between an opening and closing <div> tag within your website. The <div> sets the width and height of the embedded content.

  • The styling and tracking scripts of your website can impact the look of the embedded content. 

  • Though some content may load below the fold, browsers will still read the embedded content as if everything in it is visible, because it's reading the embedded code and not the full page of content.